Which Muncy to progress with? The '19 one seems better
Best skill set for pitcher/hitters?
PLEASE STOP THE “who to gi?” posts
SS dilemma
To the ones posting team updates from one year to the next, can we make is common practice to say how much you’ve spent? Or at the minimum if your P2P or F2P?
Next move?
upgrade ticket
What should my next gi’s be singer is definitely next but who should be after?
Last year 12/31
Best Use of Non-Team Sig
Who to GI
Extra cards how to use them?
Is Van Alley, Brooklyn, NYC still a viable option?
My favorite vintage Christmas based TV episode: Threes Company Christmas (1977), where you find out Chrissys real name is "Christmas Snow" and find out that both Jack/Janet/Chrissy and The Ropers wanted to go to the same Party.
Rest in peace, Rickey Henderson
General question about Special Training is there any advice on using extra diamonds cards?
Weekly box so bad I genuinely don't know what to pick
This will sound dumb but what are the basic keys to winning once you are all BD?
What did they do to club mode?
F2P brag
What is the purpose of all this stuff? I have lots of different things in my inventory but have no clue what to do with them. Any advice?
New F2P'ers I have advice to you. Non-team signatures are worthless.
3 Horsemen