What’s yalls setups look like?
Home Tuning Setup
First 3D shoot
My great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather
New to archery, do you see any flaws with my form ?
help pls
This woman rants about the high cost of living in Canada
First bow
Finally done with my Andy's rogue
In your first playthru what was your first class I picked confessor this game was my first souls game
After 400 hours of carrying around a torch for dark dungeons, I learned today that this item exists... What's the most basic mechanic in Elden Ring that you've long overlooked?
Highest proof JD SBBP I’ve found
New (to me) 2019 Sahara Altitude
What do you think of this price for a Rubi ? This would be my first wrangler so I'm trying to get as much info before buying.
If you had to pick the worst song to have sex to, what would it be?
Not sure what this term means listed on used Canoes for sale
What’s something money could never buy?
Two roads diverged in a wood...
Sierra Hull Month | Day 1: All Around You
Just binged all five seasons 😭
What’s the weirdest place name you’ve seen in NB?
What’s a common rule that you break regularly because you fundamentally disagree with it?
Which one would you choose?