What books should I read to my kids?
What weird thing do you do when no one's watching?
Comment your sun and moons and ill analyze you
What should one watch when they need a really good cry?
What's one thing you do to calm down?
Any good self help books for young women in their 20'?
What's something everyone seems to love, but you secretly can't stand?
I violated my friends the same way I was violated when I was younger.
What's the most difficult thing you went through as a child?
My brother still contacts my sexual abuser. I feel betrayed.
what's a movie you've rewatched a hundred times and still love?
what would you do if you were god?
What's a seemingly innocent word or phrase that you absolutely cannot stand?
What’s a piece of advice that sounds ridiculous but actually works?
I want to sell my Laptop. Where should i sell it?
what's your favourite social media?
[Serious] What does your depression feel like?
What is your comfort movie?
What can make them lose total interest in someone in less than 5 minutes?