Why Have Damage Ranges?
This should be the plot of the movie. Eagle 1 should be the main protagonist.
What's up with everyone leaving after matches?
Why are there so little fire users?
Best "jack of all trades" primary?
Found a god way to get rid of a Charger
Impaler's revenge
Get back here
if the helldivers movie doesn't have this deaths like these, i ain't watchin
Do high ranks not like lowers
Weapons for elevated overseers
Anyone feels that this guy is a little bit mediocre?
I would love an unwieldy heavy armor piercing bolt action anti-tank sniper support weapon
This gun is so shit it's not even funny. It reminds me of the Purifier before the September buffs.
Why do you lone wolf?
I felt real bad about this one
Machineguns can change RPM, But what about Laser Cannon?
Now seriously, why is this the only weapon in the game that doesn't shoot where you're aiming. Like not even close.
Using loadout too much?
I will never touch Valley of the Dolls again, Fuck Amos Voll, Fuck his shitty security detail, I got my fucking Hawaiian shirt.
My proudest achievement...
Is helldivers 2 worth playing with randos online?
Laser only stratagem
Whats with heavy armor?
After lvl 40 you should be mature enough to be on ur own