What do you miss from “the good ol’ days of Tucson?
You start a sex toy company. What's your slogan?
Goku and Vegeta just saw your hottest Dragon Ball take. What is it?
What’s your favorite quote from the entire show?
Go on.
What movie SHOULD have had a sex scene?
In 5 words, why did your first relationship end?
Which fictional character probably has a massive weiner?
Just do it
I think everybody will choose the blue one
We do things different around these parts
Penis Inspection Starter Pack
Winter Is The Best Season Starter Pack
How is this on YouTube? I'm seeing something wrong here
Thats right, I'm looking at you
Not today my friend.
he got an alien killing degree
Do it for the best friend
I free you from the bonk punishment!
Reddit users be like
Why are tik tokers annoying
Your dog has heard all of your conversations, arguments and deepest secrets. It suddenly learns to talk. What would you do?
What character absolutely did NOT deserve to die?