Juegos que más aprecien en su vida
GOD IS GOOD!!!!! (miracle)
Me siento vieja😩
Donald Trump lanza otra amenaza
this fake right lol
Anyone bought FM Acne Studios? What are your thoughts?
¿Que opinan de la gente que cree que los FPS forma parte indispensable de la valía de un juego?
Si te sentís boludo, recorda que va a haber gente que va a pagar posiblemente 100 dólares o euros por un juego que en pleno 2025 va a correr a 30fps en consolas
Top 3 favorite animal protein sources?
My tier list being 10+ years in this journey. Both Niche & Designer. Open for discussions in the comments!
I'm 175cm. Would I Rather Be 57kg or 62kg?
What is this country? Wrong answers only
Qué nombre le puedo poner a mi bella perrita?
More masculine leaning BR540?
What country is this ? Wrong answers only
Reprobé mi plan de vida en el tec
how can I reduce fat rolls underneath the buttocks?
Tell me your favourite house
If you could only wear one cologne for the rest of your life, what would it be?
6 months of collecting and it’s “mostly” complete
What scent gets you the most compliments from the other sex?
In your collection, what cologne are you gonna repurchase for life?
What is in your opinion THE best cologne you've ever smelled?
Parfums de Marly Althair
Por que? los mexicanos traemos este cabello de fabrica xD es horrible