Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Struggling to use nails to hang anything
Man test power of different firework
I was able to teach her to wipe her mouth
It’s been over 4 weeks. My dog hasn’t stopped itching uncontrollably. I haven’t slept and have lost 10+ pounds. Can’t figure it out.
I made a rock mug and wondering what the rock is
Am I crazy or do my plants look like something is attacking them?
Since I’ve seen others post their strawberry nails, here are mine! 🍓
They’re seriously letting her volunteer as a coach for KIDS after she dated a high schooler she coached last year?
PSA: Lanolin
Tattoos with EDS?
Man sentenced to life plus 30 years in 2018 California spa bombing that killed his ex-girlfriend
Happy how my apartment is turning out
Can someone please
Best Fast Food Salad?
What is a website everyone should know exists?
What do you think is the most overrated Trader Joe’s product?
Went to a salon and asked for deep red/burgundy (showed her the first picture) and it turned out super bright red 😭 what do I do?
Fine line Uzumaki tattoo; 3 years healed
Just pulled this out of my chips
What is this?
Bought these second hand for a wedding coming up. Any advice on how to make look a little more vibrant.
What is wrong with me Anthurium? Leaves starting browning in a way I’ve never seen
Anyone know what is wrong with my Anthurium?
Donald Trump To Visit Orange County For GOP Convention Speech