Does Anyone Find That They Have Not Been The Same Person Ever Since 2020?
Loss all sexual desire past age 30, Normal or caused by being celibate for too long?
Learned XC with no previous "slidey sports" after 40-50? Tell me your story!
Combining IFS with TMS work
What beginner advice do you wish you’d received?
Balancing and ski control exercises?
Lots of questions (and many thanks to any who are patient enough to answer!)
Going back to your childhood home
I’m not really an endurance athlete. Is this level of exertion normal for XC skiing? Zone 5 no matter how slowly I try to go.
Learn to be a good classic skier first? Or add skate skis into the mix?
Suggest me a book where you thought the movie or TV show adaption of it was better than the book
These gift cards are basically useless?
Gen X, Are you living or just simply existing?
Mindful Posting & Commenting
It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. Searched for years for a beloved childhood toy. A piece of me is healed now.
What's a book you love that no one else seems to know?
What is something that our parents/grandparents had that we didn't?
Suggest me something you just couldn’t put down
Dating in my 50's
Suggest me an author who’s worth reading through their entire work.
Learning to ski at age 50
What did you/do you wish you had done in your 40s to take care of your body?
Eye cream
Is marriage a net benefit for a woman?