Can anyone tell me about this pin? It belonged to a family member who passed recently.
Surprise visitor
Love our Cardinal!
Blue Jay up close & personal
Enjoying some seed, watching the sunset then bam!
Snowy day Cardinal
New visitor!
Don't know why but this guy seems like he would be fun to hang out with
Received Birdsy feeder as a holiday gift, rats don't climb bamboo do they.
This Mourning Dove just sits in the feeder and gorges himself!
Currently working as Advanced Tech Support Tier 2 for Optimum. AMA and I'll answer honestly
Saint Thomas Church, NYC
How do I join a lodge in NC?
Scam - The Grand Lodge of the United States
Had a fantastic day of Fellowship and Masonic Light with almost 600 Brothers
Yeah I just moved to NY and now I know what you all mean when you say PA is weird.
He-Man Haunted House?
[OC] Runic Dice Raised Dichroic Glass Dice Set And Box Giveaway (Mods Approved)
What is the coolest band name?
GL of NJ representing at Washington Memorial Cornerstone Re-Dedication
[9th] Shiny Iron Valiant Giveaway (pt.2)
[9th] any spare Scorbunny?
LF: Charmander Scarlet
Charmander please