Robyn is so weird what was that at the end & so her kids get to not move schools if they don't wanna ? /clip
But whyyyyy?
Nathan and Butt Pads doubling down on their racism.
What do you think she's crying about? Wrong answers only.
Band Name for Gay Gynecologists???
Kendrick Lamar, ladies and gentlemen. A Super Bowl to remember.
Weird how Robyn wasn't crying during this clip when it would be a more reasonable time... /clip
Is this a Justin Bieber for ants?
Robyn behind Meri’s catfishing?
What would you call this?
Ariana Grande's Hand Tattoo's Just Make Her Hands Look Dirty.
This came up in my photo memories tonight
Shouldn’t you have OCD for not dating a POS and having an ounce of self respect?
Little old lady names for my tiny calico
Nobody is safe when it comes to whybrows
found on facebook
Marry, F*ck, Kill?
More like no brows
Run girl! RUN
According to Lily, she and Josh only did "it" four times during their whole 3-year relationship. What's the point of getting married and having a big wedding if they are living like roommates?
James Jumpscare
Where is Jenelle off to now? WRONG ANSWERS ONLY ✈️
Emily needs to expand her personality beyond “I have children”
What does my and my wife's fridge say to you?
What feeling do you get from these?