What’s One Thing You Wish You Knew Before Adopting Your Pet?
Thoughts on Taash
How to train my cat to stop kneeding on my face?
Feeling overwhelmed at the amount of things that need doing.
Has anyone else read The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife and disliked it?
Has anyone else read The Borrower Life of Frederick Fife and disliked it?
My foster cat was taken from her mum too early so kneeds and bites everything, including my face. I want to adopt her but wondering how to slowly reduce this behaviour?
My cat is getting bored because he doesn't play with toys alone
New cat owner advice
Guilt over euthanizing cat for urinary blockage
Why the everloving fuck do they not give the bakers a blast chiller instead of that shitty Smeg fridge/freezer?
New Host
Not sure I could have predicted this… 😁
I washed my foam and spring couch cushions in the bath and now they won't dry. Please help - I'm desperate.
I messed up the introduction of my two adult foster cats and I'm worried I've ruined any possibility of a relationship.
Trying to introduce two fosters and one is being a bully and making the sweet friendly one very scared. It makes me want to give up.
Lost my beautiful cat 6 months ago and having a hard night.
I (34F) will never truly love or be loved.