is it gay for men to have a whole instagram highlight dedicated to their selfies titled “me”
How honest can we be with our friends?
If I’m gay and living in a small town in a small country, am I doomed to choose between the only two other gay people here or remain forever alone?
i hate when friends try to ship me with ugly gays and ask me why i’m not interested like hello
Why does it feel like every gay guy get along so well with their mom, and I legit can’t stand mine at all? Like, am I the only one who’s just not about their mom at all?
Is it a bad idea to travel 4 hours to a city I’ve never been to just to meet up with a Tinder guy I’ve been talking to for a week? (He’s 40, I’m 20)
is 18 and 22 too much of a gap for a relationship?
Unpopular opinion : Melania Trump looks so much like Tzuyu
is being 40 and not having a car a red flag? (i’m 20)
how do you shave extremely hairy balls for the first time
how do i know if im a side
Why is it wrong to ask if someone is a top or bottom on the first date?
when did you realize you were the problem
can chronic depression and chronic masturbating cause erectile dysfunction
why does grindr seem like my only option to ever find someone who at the very least likes me enough to be with me, or that there’s even the slightest possibility we could end up dating
is it just me or are all med students gay?
Is it wrong to sleep with someone you’re not attracted to just because you like their body?
How do you stop begging people to stay when they clearly don’t want to be in your life?
is it really necessary to tell my therapist everything?
Why do only ugly men show interest in me?
How do I know if I’m gay and smart or just gay and dumb?
How Do i deal with going to the Barbershop
is it cheating if your not dating ? :(
Why do I feel so uncomfortable around straight men? Is this something all gay men experience, or is it not related to sexual orientation at all