Is there a pedal that allows to control the tone with an expression pedal?
WTS MOOD MK2 Birthday Cake
First compressor, looking for a small and easy to use. Narrowed it to the following, any suggestions?
WTT: Wave Cannon Zero, Talon Dual Drive, More WTTF: Science Mother, ACV-1, Layers, ??
WTT Red Panda Context v2, EAE Camo Longsword, fairfield accountant
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WTT:Strymon, EQD,Spaceman, EHX more WTTF:?
New amp day
Do all your pedals have a buddy on the board?
What’s the best switcher option for my needs?
My collection so far, what board would you compose out of these?
WTT: Onward, Arcades, Zoia, Ct5, and more. WTTF: CBA, Drolo, offers
Proper order of pedals
Can anyone recommend a fuzz pedal for heavy 8 string rhythm stuff?
Looking for a headphone solution
amplifier gets super quiet when I turn on a pedal in my effects loop
Death / Black Metal Board
Wild and crazy fuzz
Any pitch pedals that can go -4 Octaves ?
WTT Red Panda Context v2, Deep Space Devices Boomburst, Audio Surplus Electronics Massenpanik
WTT: Dark Star (red), EAE, EQD | WTTF: Dark Star v3, Fuck, Halberd, etc
What are soke must-have pedals in your opinions?
NPD: King in Yellow
wtt spaceman meridian, mythos olympus, rare waves hydronium, seabee & zzombiee, box of war, korg drumlogue, chroma console, dwarfcraft baby thundaa, specular tempus, apple watch, tone druid, quiet theory prelude…