Union victory as Söder in "Germany 2021 - Between Decades"
Does Superman believe in God? If so what religion does he follow?
Would any of the 2016 Republican candidates do better than Trump?
Out of all these Presidents who ran for re-election but lost and only got to serve a single term, who do you deserved to get a second term and would've been the BEST President?
what are the presidents laughing about in each of these photos wrong answers only
would a Dewey 52 mod being interesting?
2021? More like 1933
The 13 keys were certainly wrong in 1856.
Which of these California statewide election do you think would make the best mod?
The closest election I've ever had
Mark my words- the Keys 🔑 will be right again!
1968N: Nixon Lives
What is the BEST ending for Kaiserreich?
What Was The Most Optimistic Mod You Played?
1964N 8 years earlier guide
Nixon NOW
Nixon beats LBJ/RFK
How do I make sure Nixon get's assassinated in 1964N
Any mod ideas?
I have it on good information that this mod is coming soon + 2 weeks
What are the most replayable mods in your opinion?
Which war in the third war choice in W. do you choose?
Do you think the maker of the George Romney mods likes Romney or not?
Which 1996 Republican candidate would have done the best against Bill Clinton?