Why do so much cultures care about women preserving their virginities into marriage and not men?
100k saved, enough to start over? away from toxic household
“The man on the right” said the voice in my earpiece as I lined up the shot and squeezed the trigger.
I was horrified when a human eye floated up from my clogged shower drain
I don’t want to work. I can’t work.
I’m sick of people thinking I’m going to lose interest in my boyfriend because I’m a woman and make more money
Gendry claim?
You have to commit any crime that’s at LEAST a felony. If you do you get 1 million dollars. What do you choose to do?
i fucking HATEE being a woman
My 21M body will not function sexually
is education illegal in the USA?
Is car warranty worth it? Used vs finance/lease new car
I was dragging hard in the afternoon, so I decided to have a small cup o' Joe for a pick-me-up.
“The universe is inconceivably large, with a nearly unfathomable number of planets, and as such, if you consider your existence on a cosmic scale, your life is no more relevant than a single atom in a single cell in your skin.”
‘What’s chalk made of?’ the girl asked innocently, staring at the dusty white stick.
"The rain just wouldn't stop, and then my windscreen wipers started malfunctioning..." the woman with two black eyes sobbed as she stared at her boyfriend's pinned corpse.
The first symptom presents as a very fast decline in the part of your head that makes words.
Is he truly asexual?
How would you feel if you found out your GF was very sexual with men in the past, but extremely reserved with you?
As the razor dug a clean gash through my flesh and my head grew light from the loss of fluid, the pain and the inevitability of death was far from my mind as one question pushed its way into the forefront of thought.
I think our office is bugged
As you walk out of the air conditioned office and you wade into the oppressive summer heat, you see a text from your son’s daycare asking why you didn’t report his absence.
What are some non GoT characters who would have a awesome house, what would their words and sigils be?
In any city, if you could see a heatmap of foot traffic activity, somewhere a room will be pitch dark: the least-visited room. When was it last entered, and what's in that room?
The Preposterous Logistics of Ramsay Snow's Attack on Ser Rodrik Cassel