Anyone from adi halo here?
I’m Ethiopian: Any Hegdef supporter here, what would it take for you guys to broker peace with TPLF? Assume u had the chance to make peace, what will be ur demand?
Cant make this shit up this adgi Nhamedus were sitting down with Ethiopian afar and couple Eritrean sellouts without a translator… the man was promoting “Qafar” the whole speech
Anybody who supports this retarded bitch. U fucking deserves to die the worst way!
Tplf x BN
Indian teachers in Eri?
Seltene wedi 40
Eritrea vs Yemen the next war
Correction of incorrect information: We are close to our neighbors in the south, not only in history and religion, but even by blood.
Eritrean nomads at an EPLF recruitment drive in 1978, children strong enough for training would join their parents and older siblings at the frontline in the war 😓
LMFAOOO Eritrean opposition in 🇦🇺 banned PFDJ from dancing and are going to hold their own event in a few days 😂😭
Eritrea accuses Michael Rubin of misinformation 💯
Honest observation.
Tigre journalists wearing Tigrinya zuria on eri tv
A little rant targeting PFDJ slaves 🤢
This is true?
Italian food in Eritrea
Tesfamichael Giorgio. Governor of Dekemhare, alleged mediator of the meetings between Isaias and the CIA
This math isn’t mathing
The hypocrisy of Eritreawinet
Yeo this shit was funny asf🤣😂
What do you guys think iseas kids feel about his political stance and what he turned the country into?
Tsadkan is talking shit once again…last time we were in his land he was nowhere to be found 🐀🐭⛰️⛰️