Why does he always seem so serious when he looks at me?
What your favorite feel-good song
Are some men actually scared of women or is it just a joke?
Light speed dagger anime aah kill
Cerb is so fun. Dip in. Dip out scream and shout. 🔥
Why do guys do this?
Who are your favorite music artists?
What's your favorite hair/eye color combo?
So I talked to my crush today.
What’s the most attractive thing about your crush?
Does anybody else think The National sound better live?
Have you ever felt jealous when you saw a very good-looking guy and wished you looked as attractive as him?
Guys, what’s your favourite Depeche Mode song?
Eyes don’t lie
How do you act around guys you like ?
Team wipe in TDM.
Do guys overthink a lot with their crushes?
What do you love most about your crush/significant other?
Do you guys think this is a good song?
What goes through a guy’s head when they like a girl?
ok... settle this once and for all... whos cooler, cowboys or pirates?
Sorry Romulus, Darrow couldn't get there in time.
What do we think of this beard I’m currently growing for the first time?
This is your pov, what song u playing?
How to implement the Society Rules. Am I crazy?