slurrp slrrrp slp sluuurrp gulp gulp
If AI had to feed their troops, this wouldn't happen, right?
Serena and the Dragonborn #3
Best Game ?
I'm waiting for the FEV whistleblower
It's happening
Hate the player not the game
How does Civ 4 compare to 5?
how it feels to explore the world in an elder scrolls game:
Of course 90% of Morrowind is fetch quests they’re just an excuse for the player to explore the world!!!! The world:
I got downvoted by the entire daggerfall fanbase
This one isn’t even a meme it’s just the truth
Bad Opinion: I like Maglir
A true Son of Skyrim's Dream
What kind of stuff goes on here
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Look how they massacred my boy
I've made peace with the fact that we're never getting another book. (spoilers published)
Skyrim followers ranked by their fuckability
tournaments are unbelievably stupid
How a true man should think
Overslept and Missed My Flight, Now I Need to Wait in the Airport for 9 Hours 😭
I've made my peace with the fact that we're never getting another book. (spoilers)
I've made my peace with the fact that we're never getting another book.
AITA: My (201M Altmer) daughter (69F Altmer) impregnated the entire adult female population of High Rock and now she has countless Breton children.