Does destroying fuel tanks, satellite dishes and generators do anything in JC4?
What's the worst tattoo you've ever seen on someone?
List of best modern westerns? It would be better if it was last 15-20 years but 25-30 is fine too. Anyone got one for me ?
Biggest wish for the Switch 2 and upcoming games?
You get a notice of invasion to your house from 8 army ant colonies in your yard. They have given you 24 hours for your total surrender. What do you do?
What do you think of people who wear shorts in winter?
Do you guys use a website for deckbuilding? Which one?
Pauper Dredge Is EXPLOSIVE! - Dread Return Reanimates Lotleth Giant! | MTGO League Gameplay
What are some misconceptions Hollywood has led the general public to believe?
People who have worked in retail how would you describe your experience?
List of Downshifts from Innistrad Remastered
[INR] Seize the Storm
Innistrad Remastered | Card Image Gallery
I loved this game on the original X-Box. Came out in 2003.
A good game on the X-Box. Came out in 2006.
2015-? Was a cool show to watch.
Tatyova, Benthic Druid is powerful even in EDH, so of course she's nuts in Pauper. [Article]
Who would win in a fight?
5 round post season mock. (No trades)
What is your greatest fear for the next 5 years?
Five color domain, and why it died.