sauces in comments
Which Alolan pokemon would you like to get mega evolutions in LegendsZa
Hey, what can I say. I love carbs.
Type your deck name in the comments, everyone else has to guess what pokemon you use
If you could make a team to absolutely destroy the indigo disk dlc what are you picking?
Fuck those Clankers
[OC] I made this hand-drawn meme 3 years ago. Unfortunately I wasn't too far off
The first two episodes of solo leveling were cool
Not letting Grandma out until…
“The customer is always right”
I don't know but this looks perfect?
Can we stop with the overabundance of Shiny posts
Doing this by far the most fun I had.
Sorry if this has been done already
Why are we not allowed to view card art we don't own?
Super fun non-meta deck that when it pops off is ridiculous strong
Who the hell would pick AOT?
Why do we need so many straight up worse copies of the same card?
All blue playthrough! Who will be in my last slot?
Hot take: I REALLY love how the 2 star full arts look (with the 3d models that everyone calls ugly)
Made this one based of off radiant greninja and 3star Zapdos. Opinions?
I’m bored with my life, so I want to beat the Galar and Paldean games with only a Pawniard. Any suggestions on subjects such as which games or starters to disqualify before I torture myself?
/r/PTCGP Trading Post