What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Jesse Eisenberg?
If you had to choose three and the rest disappeared forever, which three are you choosing?
Movies scenes that make you think of the trailer
What is your top three favorite 1999 films?
Top 25 Greatest Horror Movies: From 1-25 - What's the No. 15 Greatest Horror Film of All Time?
Most egregious “It was me all along” retcons
Can’t remember this movie! Help!
What’s the first movie you think of when you see Steve Buscemi?
What's a film you saw that you thought was just okay that you really liked after watching it again?
horror movie recommendations to scare the shit out of my girlfriend and I!!
What was your thoughts when Scream 5 (2022) first released vs your thoughts now?
Thank you Sam Carpenter for this iconic line. 🖤
What is a movie released on or after 2015 that you have watched multiple times
Something that really bugs me about Scream
Shows you sacrificed your sleep for
If you could replace Dewey in Scream 5 would you do it?
Movies that look 10-15 Years younger that they are
Where do you rank Scream 3 in the franchise?
Which guy from the series do you think had the best style?
Name the 1 actor you think absolutely nails the villain roll every time. Javier Bardem imo is my top pick and I don't think I need to explain why.
Today is Javier Bardem's 56th birthday. What's his best movie?
If we go by the pattern of movies, who do we all think will be the killer in Scream 7? (Previous killer spoilers)
Tips for pre-wiring home theater?
What film is your personal favorite Sidney Prescott ?
What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Ryan Gosling?