Anyone Else Given Up on Dating?
Have you been manipulative ?
Are you all persistent in getting to know someone?
Do any of you intentionally try to be funny or does it just naturally happen?
How do you guys feel about chilvary and how has it affected your dating life?
So many of us need to accept the cringe
INTPs, how much do you yap?
How to cure social anxiety? What is your experience?
Do you think it’s a good or bad thing that you don’t say everything you’re thinking out loud .
I think I'm back boys! (If this is right, need opinions)
What's your career/What do you do??
INTPs with emotionally abusive parents i got a question for you..
Do you guys ever feel like the world is against you?
It's weird
Intps, tell me something crazy which you found out while being an intp
What are your ways of coping with tough life situations?
INTPs can find God.
Your greatest ambition
What do you want most out of life ?
What kind of art are you into?
Stereotype vs Reality on messy rooms
Is it really a bad thing to not be very empathetic ?
Do we have regrets?
Is mbti (almost) an excuse for not changing yourself?
Do any of you have social anxiety or do you just prefer not to socialize sometimes