If you ever wonder how bad Bachmann needs to update Thomas’s face. Just look at it compared to Ryan’s😭
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
I went to a goodwill and found culdee and I don’t know how much it costs let me know
suggest me artists/ albums/ songs
A good friend bought me this beautiful guitar for my birthday! Needs a name! Any suggestions?
ABCs of FOB - What’s M?
Thoughts on this?
Give this a name
Songs about being in love with someone who has no respect for you
Are there any other good bands that sound like Falling In Reverse out there?
Tried to edit Billie without sanpaku eyes
One More Light haters, what’s so wrong about this album?
The April fools album art found
I need REAL unpopular opinions.
Brand New’s Return
Songs that were debuted Live before its official release
Songs that are actual gibberish
What is the greatest emo album that isn’t considered “emo”?
Lyrics that mention other bands?
Songs that mention screaming in the title (synonyms allowed)
Diegetic songs used anachronistically in a piece of media
Grabbed this at the Chicago show!
danger days is a skipless album
If you could remove and replace 3 songs from the HMHAS Tour Setlist what are you taking and why?