Inked and offer, cleared background, and just got the start info.
What car is best for making a bed in?
How do you know so much technical information?
Struggling first 2 years of college
Should I agree to an hourly pay cut?
Welp. We had a good run, time to pack up
Is this still sterile?
Hierarchy in the lab. PhD student vs research technician.
Buspar for Grief?
Is it safe to present unpublished data at conferences? I scared someone will steal the topic and publish.
Assistant professor I interviewed with just told me I would be auto-rejected if I applied for graduate school.
Got $30,000 to drop on a ULTRA freezer. What’s the best brand to go with? TDE and TSX have been failing me a lot and giving tons of EO5 errors.
Thrift Score?
Drinking on buspar?
College professor here. Yesterday, a student in the BS/MD program approached me and said how I became a chemistry professor because I was too dumb to make it into medical school. I asked the program coordinator to removed him from my class but he said no.
How to deal with colleague obsessed with lab cleanliness?
I think Millipore Sigma is pissing down my back cause ain’t no way Milli-Q service contracts have gotten this high.
I want to scream.
Why don’t companies like McDonalds invest in making healthy food ?
with RFK potentially being head of HHS, is it really doom for Big Pharma like Lily, Novo, Abbive, Astrazeneca, Merck, etc etc
New Roommate
What would your lab-inspired rapper name be?
How much is a conference poster worth for an undergrad?
It's this kind of stuff I'm worried about for all of us biomedical researchers....
My hubby doesn't like using protection.