Molly in Norway
Here’s Dexter 🧡
Juliane Snekkestads mor kontaktet kronprins Haakon direkte. Hun ville varsle om Marius Borg Høibys behandling av datteren.
Empty brain of the week
Dm me a picture of ur orange cats so i can draw them .
First “real” haul last night!
Scared and spicy rescue orange has finally adjusted to life inside!
Show me your cat’s silliest facial expression to add to this doodle😋
The many bleps from Pumpkin (and 1 photo of her drooling)
America, leading the world in Nobel Prize Wins
If you were deported and had to leave the country you reside in, what country would you move to?
Snow for this weekend
Anyone else have chronically concerned babies?
Got some Monstera pillows for my spouse this Christmas, but Percy has claimed them 🐱
I think she's hiding something
What exactly are homeless people "supposed" to do?
Hver gang jeg ser en artikkel om Nordlendingene
guess where i am from
Show me your cutest picture of your cat. Here’s mine:
Just remember, a 5-6 in looks in an SEA country is an 8-9 in a western country.
Hva krangler du og partneren din om?
Greenland’s leader wants independence from Denmark as Trump hovers over Arctic island
Henvises til baksetet
Hvilken lakk?m