How did your gay awakening happen?
Zrobiłem głupotę: Wlałem płyn do chłodnicy do spryskiwaczy. Co teraz?
Played the game a long time ago and I remembered this guy being kinda difficult, I may have been sliiightly overleveled
futsal shoes for concrete?
One thing you love, one thing you hate
Wearing boxer briefs lol
CDPR got preferences 😂
How do you not fall in love?
Gra dla kogoś kto nie jest gamerem?
Polish speakers, how is this translation?
I thought I played more. Quite disappointed.
22 years ago, 200 KMH in the wrong lane was released, what is your favorite track?
Khai Solo Penta
Thanks for the overhead emotes but why can't I emote when I'm dead?
Not like it was planned or anything XD it just looked really cool..
The lesbian relationship representation we got in Caitlyn and Vi is the bare minimum.
Co zrobić ze współlokatorem w pokoju, który przy temperaturze 26°C spi w bluzie
Finally unlocked
What do lesbians think of pepperoni nipples?
Czy polskie uniwersytety kłamią w sylabusach?
Do I restart for a better playthrough?
Wezwanie do zapłaty APCOA - olać czy nie?
Rzeczy które nigdy nie działają prawidłowo
Monopoly: The Witcher is now available in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Poland