Japan Cherry Blossom Forecast 2025
Buy now or wait?
Safer wallet to transfer to from Trustwallet?
Safer wallet to change to? From Trustwallet
Safer wallet to change to?
Found this in a collection from a flea market for 4€ 😁 is the damage too bad to get a good price for it?
My first “real” thought through videography project, tried out some new techniques. What do you all think? Any improvement tips? The video turned out a little dark, even though I checked the waveform.
My first scripted through video/film. Tried some new techniques, what do you all think? Any improvement tips? The video still turned out way too dark for my linking, even though I checked the waveform.
Did you guys have a similar experience when drinking too much caffeine/Energy Drinks? I did, and thankfully I'm really careful now when drinking it. Scary experience.
Have you ever felt the same?
I've felt the same way, and I'm scared to drink even 2 now, but It's so hard to quit
Did you guys have a similar experience?
Why I Decided to Quit Caffeine After Drinking 10 Energy Drinks in One Day after Experiencing It Myself
What Happens When You Drink 10 Energy Drinks in One Day? Have you ever felt the effects of too much caffeine?
E4 opening for White
Is a 4-5 second TikTok too short?
Hot shoe Mount Fix Nikon D750
What would be the nicest fit for this team? Planning on replacing picolo Jr.
Really don’t know what I should be focusing on right now (beginner)
What mount adapter do I need?
What Fragrance should i add to my small collection?
Can anyone help me improve my anatomy
Do you guys have any tips to improve? (link in comments)
Upgrade current Pc or build a new one?