An alle, die mich persönlich kennen: Raus hier!
If you want to know how TikTok feels about the gays….
Nah What The Actual Fuck
Anfeindungen zwischen den links- und grünwählern bringen meiner Meinung nach nix
She likes running on the smaller wheel, big wheel’s only for food
Keine Gewalthilfe für trans* Menschen (wtf?)
Shoutout to all the American AMABs who were circumcised without consent.
Ich mache ehrenamtlich Awareness-Arbeit auf Raves und Kinky-Partys, AMA!
Took the M7 Ice Racing for a paid shoot - ALMOST got asked to leave.
Should Canada join the EU?
Die neuen Hörspiele auf Spotify sind gar nicht so schlecht.
What have I done to you?
Update : New Tank !!
Is there any practical point in getting officially diagnosed?
Two sides of the coin. Thought this maybe would fit in here.
Sauna Bund Leitfaden aktualisiert
Had the worst depression ever as a kid and no one did anything
i don't even know what to say.
He just admitted he stole it to a crowd of people.
Procrastination is worse during winter
Get digital cameras and real life photo albums!!!
as an autistic woman, is it common to prefer more effeminate men?
Afd Parteitag: Alice Weidel
Tell my my age from my Home screen and show yours
What does Gen Z think about World War 1?