What do you think about Kris not going to MJ's house after the call on the last episode?
What are some of the best episodes of the podcast?
Child is constantly picked up late and I’m sad for them and angry
Kim Kardashian disappointed with trip to India as it was nothing like fictional city featured in Aladdin
What do we think is going to happen to this show? How much longer?
Anyone else notice the “In Loving Memory” irony?
St Patrick's Day events
What’s your opinion on recovering artifacts from the wreck?
What would be some your of your fav movies to take on a deserted island?
Toilet learning
Darrius Rucker at the Stadium
What is the most Costanza thing about you? I’ll go first
How big was the show to people the same age as the characters?
Let's put that baby the bed
Footwear help!
Which sister is the best Mom in your opinion?
Self care!
In honor of today’s episode, what are your favorite Pam moments?
Key to a successful toddler room?
Season 7
Bright horizons
Who is your favorite sitcom dad?
Salt dough craft opinions