Lf dapper fellows
What do you need in return?
Lf robo flock, have 2×4's but can do more from other accounts
Lf calamity and centre stage, also have other 3 stara cards to trade
Any trades?
Looking for stars!
Looking for stickers I need
Lf paddle pals or party time for a friend, have arrow dynamic
Trading these
Lf hi-jink and dream team
1:1 trade
3⭐️ trades?
For lip smacking or on the money, also have other 3 stars cards to trade for in another account
Can anyone help? Can exchange stars
Bone rattle for the barber of seville or glass harmonica for my second account!
Last card to complete my album! If you can't help please upvote!
Last card to complete the album!!!! Have glass harmonica, need happy stroll
20 stars each
Lf the best gift, have bucket drums
Have and Need
Have bucket drums, lf the best gift