Phy trio vs Gofrieza
Who would win this?
As someone who just started playing and exclusively plays legends, is there any tips I should know?
Absolute Proof Goku Fans Wank the Most!
Who win?
They did it again, they released a huge MBS buff for a 2nd time in less than 1 year.
Who wins?
Strongest characters in fiction that are also the most wholesome and are genuinely good guys
Thoughts on this build?
EZA Phy SS2 / SS3 Goku, Base & Transformed, EZA Str Kid Buu APT & Def, 100% & 55%
EZA PHY SSJ3 Goku turn 1, no support
EZA SSJ2 Goku ATK & DEF Calcs (by @RocketlizardOP on Twitter)
What the fuck are the bosses supposed to do against these 3 fuckers now
EZA SS2/3 Goku and Kid Buu attack and defense stats!
Goku isnt a psychopath like his villians
55% phy trio vs turn 1 teq gogeta super
Can they win
PHY SSJ3 Goku and STR Kid Buu seem to be the next EZAs with how they worded this
I'll be happy once Mememas is over but for now, I'll help make the problem worse.
In which scenarios can Saitama win against Goku?
Here is my competly subjective dokkan tier list, feel free to disagree
New Years units have never been better than anniversary units
Is there any way this clown can redeem himself after this shit? 🤡
Goku and gorilla categories/links
Thoughts on the new battle UI?