[discussion] pve other players
Fornuftig tidsfordriv i arbeidstid
[Discussion] FireKlean gun lube
Et brutt forhold. Hvor skal jeg bo?
How's PvE running since the update? [Discussion]
Am I the only one that has gotten improved performance? [Discussion]
[BUG] Yeah, this hasn't been fixed at all. Big raid 20+ kills/couple of missions done= no progress.
Christmas tree works and its insane [Screenshot]
Hotfix bossman?[feedback]
In conclusion [New Player]
[Feedback] What the Hell
[Discussion] Is the absolutely cracked out now?
[Discussion] New Mechanic Gunsmith Quest: Gunsmith Old Friend's Request
[BUG] PVE raids not counting
Hvordan prate med mor som drikker for mye?
Returning player after a few years, does my EOD still have access to everything released [New Player]
Is anyone else's gear rack unable to be used in PVE?
Ting i hverdagen du skulle ønske du var bedre på
Gear rack lvl 2 bugged?
Backend error 1000 on PvE [Bug]
Hva hadde skjedd om vi alle sluttet å betale for strøm?
Burde jeg bytte parkeringsplass med naboen uten å si noe?
New Event: 100% boss spawn rate
Ikke fullført bachelor