Dream Theater's worst haters are their fans.
Is this version of A Tout Le Monde really apart of United Abominations?
Wikipedia says Schaffer was pardoned
Unpopular opinion but hear me out
I still feel like a deer in headlights about Atum,
What are the best and worst remasters in metal?
I’ll never understand why people don’t like Duvall era AiC
Just saw the documentary AMA
Players like Omar
A shocking insult
You're stuck on a deserted island and can only listen to one band, who are you choosing? I'll go first:
Any grunge fans have a favorite brit pop band from the 90s?
Tom Hamilton comments on Steven's recovery/the band's future
Pop appreciation post!
Which is the superior live album? Bootleg, or A Little South Of Sanity?
Fellow Metalheads, guys never approach me
I do not like Pearl Jam
Pain of Salvation - Morning on earth + Reconciliation
What do you think Billy would look like if he grew his hair back in 2025?
Testimony 1 Abridged
Rattle and Hum - If it was only a studio album
Whats your favourite song on this album?
Steven On the Popularity of The Raven That Refused to Sing
Chinese Democracy Song edited (much shorter intro)