After finishing a book, do you jump right into another book or wait a while?
You NEED to vote blue in the 2026 midterms. It’s important.
Who would Donald Trump be if he were a Tolstoy character?
Bad book from a favorite author.
What children’s books do you just fuckin hate?
Tried vr p0rn on lsd and…
I feel like I am going crazy right now...
Manufacturers that sew the tags into the stitching so that there's a hole in your clothes if you remove them
How popular is the misconception of Tolkien being racist?
where can i watch this ?
My son won’t stop calling my partner daddy and idk what to do
Why are people born between 1990-1995 so obsessed with claiming that they grew up before the internet/cellphone era? That's largely not true.
"Actually guys picking your nose in private is completely okay!"
Holy cow, I loved Fathers and Sons
If you're not losing weight, you are not in a calorie deficit. No exceptions.
What to watch on psychedelics
Reddit is so pro-porn that its annoying and concerning.
Peasant Wives by Chekov
Masseuse had her unleashed pit bull in the massage room and refused to leash/move it
How can some doctors be so uninformed
I want to break up with my potentially terminally ill boyfriend.
Why is physical strength always brought up by " anti feminists?"
"It insists upon itself" - in honor of Seth MacFarlane finally revealing the origin of this phrase (see in post), what is the strangest piece of film criticism you've ever heard?
What is your opinion on authors breaking the “fourth wall” with the reader
Would non-smokers be okay with a world where vaping replaces smoking?