Saved a bee from drowning and he wanted a quick selfie before taking off!
We BOTH Lost An Hour
The "reward" never ends
The Daily Check-In for Monday, October 28th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
Urgent request to my fellow Blazers
Does anyone have any advice for being nervous about getting sober?
Women who are 30+, what are some things you wish you’d done before you reached your 30s?
Orcas surround woman
Any experience at Cowboy Joe’s Boarding?
I am finally leaving the profession 🥂
Sprinkler help??
My baby's bday, 10 years
AITA for asking a girl i’m seeing about her period
Smoking = weird thoughts?
Night shifters: What are your reasonings for choosing to work night shifts?
Can I be a nurse with a mental illness?
This is my oldest void Tafia, named after a voodoo wizard from Cuban folk stories. What is your void named after?
Tell me you're a nurse without telling me you're a nurse
Question: what is your most hated word to spell when charting?
Has anyone ever snuck weed through the airport successfully? Just curious
stoners where do work at ?
cops pasted us
This is terrible
Crazy, right??