[SEARCHING] Th15 and Th14. Looking for clan games, clan capital, war
[SEARCHING] th15 active in war, want clan for cwl. #2QJ0LCR29
Sbi grievance contact
Cibil related query
Card upgrade query
Will the celebi quest go away after few hours ?
Caught a 100% ryhorn but have no sinnoh stone :)
Luck has been on my side since the kalos event has started :)
What could have been a better way to complete the ‘catch a froakie’quest
Should I evolve my aron(100%) or not?
Last mesprit raid if you want
Mesprit raid if someone still needs it
Probably the last mesprit raid from my side
Query regarding shadow mewtwo
Just curious to know how many of you have not completed the lake trio
Should i evolve my shiny magikarp or not
A humble thanks and extreme sorry to 777pobi
Uxie Shuttle in 1 minute
Uxie raid rn 248899789928
Mesprit raid live again
Mesprit raid(returning player)
[US] returning player looking to get back in the game, live in a big city will send daily gifts. 5096 4621 8730
Friends needed for leveling
Returning player(0771 3055 6142)