Red flag?
Burnt out, where can I go for less stress?
Burnt out, want a change
Trying to quit a very small company
Niche careers that don’t have many needed professionals, but also don’t have many applicants?
Prompting 101: A beginner's guide!
Bf told me to pack my bags and leave
How do you get the motivation to start a job and keep going
Anyone else have a decrease in offers on there offer wall
Character lore
Advice on job offer
Wish me luck getting an offer, had 4 interviews today
Why is it so hard to find a job?!?!
After 75 days of waiting…
Still working on the pic. But wondering what perspective people would prefer for this.
Would like volunteers for a bot
Context: I tried to do a hurt-comfort with an ex-goon and an assassin 😐
Daddy Shep pulled through
While we're here. Which of these should I use for an abusive bf? Drug dealer type. Name is James Wilson.
Stop complaining and drink some water bitch
Gonna be working on this for a while. But he’s so fuckin handsome I had to share
Glad to know there are choices
The bizarre reality of today's tech job market
Am I likely to get the shift I want?