Queens with signature colors.
What is a line that never fails to make you cackle?
White guy has a white grandfather and a black grandfather. Sort of.
Rich guy gets mad at his daughter’s boyfriend and literally puts a bounty on his head.
Why I think the season 17 girls aren’t being well received
The Vivienne (James Lee Williams) has passed this weekend.
Do queens wear cliffhangers because they can't find a shoe they really like but their size isn't available ?
Men who's daughters became strippers/escorts. How do you really feel about this?
AITA for refusing to donate my kidney to my estranged father who abandoned me as a child?
Ask the women, would you stay married to a man all his money go to his mother care till the day she die, and expect you to live in a meager existence with him until the day his mother die.
AITA for asking my stbx husband why I’d take him back when the nanny does more for the family than she does.
What is the female equivalent to having a big penis 🤔
WIBTA if I broke up with my fiancé so he could be happier with my sister?
I found my BIL's reddit account and I'm genuinely terrified for my family.
I am a child labour survivor, I think.
When you hear a child scream or cry in public…
Just gross so now they put children in this dating show too?
Any African American Women also CF?
Am I the Asshole for breaking up with my ex boyfriend because he tried to tamper with my birth control?
Does anyone like the new Dragon Queens Walk?
Any other girls/size queens that lurk here?
****Trigger warning**** Look at this nonsense on Craigslist
Ladies, what was the biggest age gap (older or younger) of a consensual sexual relationship you had? Was it worth it? Why or why not?
Which Queen do you blindly defend?
How to stop attracting black men