It’s saddening that this dolphin discourse got more attention in the West than the literal genocide of Palestinians
Man has his own perfume, should I get it?
What are situations where non halal meat is permissible to consume?
Can micro organisms like bacteria and amoeba kill white blood cells, and if yes, how?
Found this on Quora...
“The Palestinians are taught to kill us at two-years old”
When your only viable argument is "Izlam=Fakestine=very bad" then the result is some pretty spicy hasbara.
When life gets tough, there is always some Joy to rely on.
Just your average zionist intelect.
"I have seen both sides of the warsaw ghetto uprising, and the more evil side is the jewish poles(I just know), don't be swayed by the ton of evidence and clear logic that is exposed to you."
The Captain America Order, Detroit chapter.
If zionists are against you, you're doing something right.
If added, how would Israel function as a faction?
What do you think Mafia the old country's arsenal will consist of?
Apparently, supporting Palestine is equal to believing in the "great replacement" theory, (thr post's order is in reverse)
" "Palestine" is a Islamic kaffirphobic pedo state, Israel is at the right in killing human shield using khamas." Type of hasbara.
According to the Quran, where is semen stored? And what is the explanation for the Ayah its mentioned in.
Did anyone see zionists use this show as proof of Palestinians being "the true evil ones"?
For people who are living in the West Bank, how would your rate your "Tawjihi"?
There are 2 types of atheists in this world, people who may disagree with religion theology, socialy, ect(to different degrees)and still have sense and humanity to recognise what Israshit is doing it genocide, and then there Apus.
Is the jinkler ride in goth or ham city?
How would you rate Mafia's cops? (2,3,DE)
Does Ton Castration have any refrences in Ham Aslum? And why is he talking about Marlins? Is he Terastupid?
Insomno the fruity psychic.