Mutt issue [KCD2]
How much do you like using the fish eye?
For the guy that set the FS noseslide to FS noseslide challenge
Small Prague line
What lil peep song is this for you?
Rock Ride
Kid goes flying
Peep fans it’s our turn
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done that you could only tell people anonymously?
Just switched from mac and I’m loving it!
Before and After UK Consumer Unit Upgrade
What song are you currently listening to?
What is the most disturbing horror movie you’ve seen and why?
That's not how that works.
I'm not going to be the one that tells him. He's my old coworker and a nice guy but come on man!
What's the british version of "nice ass"?
What food combinations sound disgusting but are actually delicious?
Topology Demonstrations
blursed drinking fountain
I found this cable outside my house and I think it was underground since our neighbors are digging up their driveway. It's thick and doesn't bend, any idea what the metal inside is or what this cable is used for?
Lovely car ride