What is the general consensus?
Mr.Based set him up to get him banned on KICK. Josh is now once again relying 100% on donations made through Mr.Based YouTube channel
Don't forget, while Josh did comit physical and sexual assault, IT WAS BASED WHO ENCOURAGED AND FACILITATED AN ENVIROMENT FOR HIM TO DO SO
Clip I got
Look how happy he is
josh sexually assaulted and then assaulted a woman on the same stream
Tensions between based and prostitue rising. WILL BASED CREEP HER TO LEAVING THE STREAM?
Based acts like a neutered dog with Doherty around.
claire go and help your man --- proceeds to do the only thing she has done all night, rub josh
billy is an IRL energy vampire. most uninterested crowd, now talking about food - garbage ass show
LOLCOW'S greatest $$$ swindle
the idea of MrBased just sitting there listening to Josh fucking and staring at nothing while smiling
How can a dude in their early 20s not get a stiffy
I have to admit Based is a masterful Villain
Claire Richardson is absolutely vile and disgusting
Her insta for anyone wondering.
looking for video
What is the song that is playing here? (6 legged race, not the anime sounding song)
Carl has succesfully triggered 2 people just by speaking about how much more he knows about NY than the other person. kinda hilarious
the comments are gold tonight. based is the biggest scamming cry baby ever
Do not be fooled. Based did not accomplish anything positive for Josh.
What's the most healing youve seen in competittive? Silver 2 Competitive Match: 41,000 Healing
Your chance to mass report stream for hateful and abusive content -- IE promoting racism on a dono