I’m back at my starting weight.
Sir za cheesecake? 🍰
Je še kdo dobil to sporočilo
“I don’t want to be this weight anymore I’m gonna starve myself” also me when I see plus size women (they so hot)
Pritožili so se ker so morali delati kazenskeh sklece
Komentirajte s svojim zadnjim memom, ki ste ga shranili na vaš telefon. (Ne goljufajte 😅).
Kdaj se začet učit za maturo?
Stanovanjski kredit
What is a slang term in your country for being very drunk?
I am absolutely 100% NOT relapsing 🤥
They're throwing around triple my weight like it's nothing
Drop your favorites y'all I need more
Kateri Slovenec ima najboljši obraz za klofuto?
Kakšne so vaše izkušnje z duhovniki?
I need film to make a grown man cry.
Kdo je pa pri vas letos uničil/ negativno popestril božič?
Od česa si bil/a najbolj zadet/a v življenju?
Smešna imena in priimki
What are your thoughts on Beetlejuice Beetlejuice?
What should his punishment be
Ali bi po vašem mnenju oš morale streči tudi obroke brez svinjine za muslimane?
My second try at making rice, I burned the first one
Dropped my birthday cake
Pre Teen Daughter Hygiene.
AITA by not inviting a slow eater to dinner night out?