Is there a plugin to add variations to cart in bulk?
Crazy teory about Viktor's new lore
Now that Arcane has ended, can anyone tell why Hextech crystals were removed from Skarner Lore?
Todavía existe la soda Chubby en RD?
En dominicana todavía existe la soda Chubby?
I need a scan of a Chubby soda label for a personal project, but I can't get it in my country anymore
¿creen lo de la enfermedad del mono?
New Skarner's Lore is so... deeply wrong
[TOMT] [MOVIE] [2010s] A movie (Italian I think) about a group of friends in Italy
Why dont villagers use bows? Are they stupid?
What we will miss about Skarner
What is the official website of WJPC?
[PS1] [2000?] On-rail shooter in a haunted mansion
[ Removed by Reddit ]
How do you guys feel about Skarners new lore?
Opinions on rework?
The new model is laughably terrible
The amount of people hating the rework because Skarner will never be the same and that the rework will be bad because of it is really annoying.
Messege from Lexi.