If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Gender dysphoria diagnosis
Do people still want genuine friends or it’s all about being physical now as well?
does Instagram has all the top 1% of pakistan?
Do you guys DARE to FLIRT?
Fuck Terfs
What's the origin of using "good shit" to describe a decent or friendly person?
2 minute tests
Green Valley Bakery Items are so stale and so bad in Islamabad.
Twitter/X content is banned.
Can you Guys please name 10 positive things about Quincy?; Im tired of only the negative stuff.
Other games with funger 1 type gameplay?
I’m here for you. Many of us are
I'm beginning to think I genuinely might die alone
Places with good Pakistani Food
How did you find your spouse?
A weird thing I miss about Islamabad
Teach me how to skate?
People making those "looking for friends" posts... you guys end up meeting anyone?
Are we officially rich now ?
What would you remove from Pakistan?
Is I-8 considered posh sector of ISB?
My 17 year old mitho died
Where can I find such outfit in ISB