will i ever spend a hole day without thinking about being bipolar?
Seroquel as needed? Sleep suggestions and experience
How Long Before You Saw Mood Stabilize?
Your helpful coping statements
I want to better understand someone with bipolar.
Bipolar medication that helps with anxiety?
Soo, anyone have physical manifestations after episodes like fainting?
Hi all! I am not asking for medical advice. Just experiences
anyone ever used energy drinks to stop a low from coming?
peers think being bipolar is cool
It's been 2 months now on Lithium and I still have no appetite and am nauseous daily. Anyone?
Is bad memory loss part of schizoaffective disorder?
Lithium + saggy body
Bipolar2 and eating disorders?
Can lithium alone be enough?
My 13 year old is in the psych hospital
Did you suspect bipolar or did the diagnosis come totally out of left field
People with a higher water consumption than usual, did your thirst increase after lithium?
Meds for anger issues?
No appetite.
What dose of Lamictal are you on?
What keeps you from being destructive?
I don't wanna stop lithium but the tremors and dizzy spells are too much
Long depression