My goal for 2025 is to keep a single house plant alive. What should the plant be?
My 3 year has become a bit too interested in the greenhouse recently…
What type of plant shopper are you?
Coming up on 100 plants/succulents, how do y'all keep track of yours?
Soil help
Are rocks atop soil bad?
Accidental isopods in potted tree
What times of day should my closed terrarium have condensation
Labeled as Carnivorous plant
My rubber tree is dying, please help!
Porcellio laevis
My Parents want to leave me all their money with the exception I support my sister. What are the disadvantages of this?
Can Isopods climb?
What grow lights do you use for your monstera?
How to move this cabinet down a set of stairs with out messing up the vivarium
What are these?
Shade + Heat and giving up
What is this douche-resembling tool included in this houseplant tool set I received for Christmas??🤣
Begonia Ferox attempt 2
Michigan, indoor house plant, tiny little bugs and webs.
Bumps on pink spotted plant?
Dean Mcdowell repotting question.. what would you do? She's ready to crawl
Possible Pests?
Made a wall terrarium