Who are you going with?
Are your kids Deadheads?
What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
45th anniversary
What’s the greatest 1-2 Punch in a movie?
Does Arrival make your top ten favorite Sci Fi films?
What got everyone on the bus?
What movies did you love as a kid, but realize are bad now?
What’s the most un-Grateful Dead artist that you’re a huge fan of?
How would you rank Christopher Nolan’s last four films ?
Which is that movie that left to you numb after watching it ?
What is your favorite comedy of all time?
First Grateful Dead shirt ever
Which Nirvana album has the best Bass lines for you?
Which will you choose?
Which is the best foreign language movie you have ever seen?
Jay Lane Patches
What is the most beautiful song written for a movie?
I always think of Deaner when I see Déagol
Which house?
Potentially the hardest decision you'll have to make today...
Question for guys only
Why does Russia own this area