What made N say this??
This cucumber
Bet you cant~
Genuinely curious...
Leaked data report #0042
Can you tell me if I just inhaled radium or radon? (I screwed up)
You’re trapped in my room with me for 24hr. What are we doing?
One word
trimming issues
You find a bear in the forest and she looks at you like this. What do you do?
What’s wholesome art style :3
Well that was fast
It is time people…
What's the first thing that catches your eye?
What is the first interaction you had with Mysti?
Give me some songs
I got a cat, but it's every time Jaiden says "Tostada."
If I took a break would you still like me when I came back...?
I cleaned your phone for you! I even cleaned your browser history... Why were you looking at that?
Curious about what you would do~
Are you running from this sheep girl?