Xiao hong shu china netizens complain about DBS using lunar new year
Mid 30s, married, no kids and bored
Is there still a such thing as Iron Rice Bowl nowadays?
Should I leave my boyfriend?
What do you think of modern Hollywood?
The wakeup call from God that is will never fulfill my dreams
Would you feel offended if someone corrected your English grammar?
What is the middle class basket of goods?
People should be judgemental about appearances.
His rejection hurt me more than it should.
What's the "ideal" age to settle down in Singapore?
Advice needed for fresh grad
Locals with foreigner spouse, what are your housing plans?
No longer the "smart" kid
Visiting Brisbane
Final attempt in attempting to live
Who to call about this?
Visiting Sydney
And people wonder why I’m so insecure about my body.
Fat shaming and plus size clothing shops
what should i do? about to be placed on PIP as manager wants to hire friend
Family's friends and relatives age shaming you during CNY
Those who cut ties with your parents, what happened?
People don’t call me pretty since I gained weight
Stressful education system