What do you think of Angra?
Is Spiritbox good or am I just old?
If you haven't heard this you're missing out.
Which band had replaced a lead singer better than the original one?
About Lyrics
Get me into MANOWAR. I've always been intrigued by them but have never taken the plunge. Where should I begin? TIA
Recommend me something obscure based off my top artists
What do you think of Darkthrone?
Stoner/doom bands or any other genre with albums inspired by Lovecraft?
What do you think of Sepultura?
What do you think of Crypta?
My favorite black metal albums
What do you think of Kaatayra?
Just some of my favorite BM albums
My Personal Top 25, in no particular order
German black metal bands with no connection to Nazism?
What are the recent metal classics?
Recommend recent bands
What should I listen to?
I just discovered Candlemass and would like to get into more doom metal. Any recommendations?
Recommend me Death Metal bands
Which one do you like more?
Opinions of Immortal?
Any album that sounds like this?